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Image by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦

Tips & Advice

At Action Against Stalking, we have compiled a list of useful tips and advice for those who are being stalked and those supporting someone who is being stalked.


You can also contact our Throughcare Support Service for free, professional and confidential support on 0800 820 2427, or complete our self-referral form.

Advice for Stalking Victims: What Can You Do?

TAKE stalking seriously and trust your instincts. If you feel like something is wrong or unsafe then it is time to take note. The sooner you report to the police, and the more support you can get, the better it will help you cope.


IF you are in immediate danger, call 999.


REPORT to the Police as early as you can. Keep a record of who you speak to and any crime reference numbers. You can access Police Scotland’s online Stalking Reporting Form here.


DO NOT interact with or respond to your stalker unless it is unavoidable. 


KEEP a diary or log of any incidents – date, time, what happened, when and where, any witnesses, (their names and contact details) and how it made you feel. 


COLLECT as much evidence as you can, such as screens shots, photographs, voice messages, emails, gifts, and anything material left by your stalker. What might appear trivial to you could be a crucial piece of evidence for the police.


DO NOT block your stalker on social media, mobile phone etc. If you block communication channels from the stalker you may lose valuable evidence and the stalker may escalate their behaviours in an attempt to reach you.


TELL people you can trust – family, friends, work colleagues. 


SEEK professional advice and support – refer to Action Against Stalking here or find other sources of support here. 


IF YOU suspect any of your digital devices may not be secure or have been hacked, contact The Cyber Helpline for further advice.


USE ONLINE communication and social media wisely - check your privacy settings and change passwords regularly


If Someone You Know is Being Stalked

LISTEN AND BELIEVE the person and let them know you want to help them.


DO NOT victim blame. Avoid using phrases that imply that the victim is at fault as this suggests that the victim could have prevented the stalking, which is not true.


LET the person make their own decision(s). This is important so the person feels in control.


OFFER to go with the person to report to the police. 


ENCOURAGE the person to document incidents and keep a diary/log that could be used as evidence. This should include the date, time, location, situation, witnesses, how the stalking affects the person and any other useful information.


DO NOT gossip or give out information about the person's situation. 


SCREEN your social media. This helps to ensure that you do not accidentally reveal the persons location or details to the stalker. Examples include not tagging them in photographs or check-in locations.


DO NOT confront the stalker on your own.


ENCOURAGE the person to seek professional support via Action Against Stalking or other relevant support services.



Downloadable Leaflets

© Action Against Stalking is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO No: SC044905)

Registered office: Room 2.071, University of the West of Scotland, University Avenue, Ayr, KA8 0SX

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